Anxiety therapist in Seattle sitting on a couch with a plant and books in the background.

Stef Carlander, LMHC (she/her)

There is nothing wrong with you.  You are trying hard enough.  Your worth is not connected to your productivity.  You have permission to rest.

If you are exhausted from wondering why things seem more difficult for you, I see you.   If you are trying to make sense of your life and find meaning, there is hope.  Maybe you are feeling uninspired and stuck, or completely at wit’s end while going through a tough life transition, and wondering if this is just how life will always be.  I believe that life can be so much more… and it is my hope that we can work together to rewrite your story and shift your perspective towards freedom and wholeness.

I am proud of you for prioritizing yourself by starting therapy.  Your commitment to this process will be worth it as you change and grow.  As a fellow therapy-goer, I understand that you are putting a lot out there to invite someone new into your inner world.  This process of building a new relationship is a vulnerable space in which I believe, and have personally experienced, so much healing and connection can happen.

I am here to help you ask the deep questions, to ponder the complicated stuff, to wonder aloud while occasionally taking a pause to laugh at life’s absurdities (because how can we not?!).  It is okay to not know or to feel uncertain and confused.  You don’t have to go at this alone. 

My approach to therapy

I work with young adults with a curiosity to explore and willingness for personal growth. I provide both in person and virtual sessions. Therapy is a nurturing space for, connection, and vulnerability. We will aim to create an environment where you feel seen, heard, and understood in a way that encourages you to show up as your authentic self and to nonjudgmentally take a deeper look at your experiences.  The process of therapy will be collaborative and is led by your needs and your goals. I incorporate principles of self-compassion, mindfulness, and attachment theory. I also utilize Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Focused CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). I practice from an anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens as well as from an anti-diet and Health at Every Size aligned framework. 

Washington virtual therapist for depression sitting on blue chair near bookshelf with plants on wall.


Areas of focus

Education and training

  • MA, Mental Health Counseling, City University (Seattle, WA)

  • BA, Psychology, Point Loma Nazarene University (San Diego, CA)


  • Licensed Mental Health Counselor (#LH61342328)