8 Changes for Better Sleep

My best recommendations to improve your sleep:*

*some are also "boring". Sorry about it. Better sleep is one of the best ways to support your mental and physical health.

  1. Turn off screens an hour before bed. (Try charging your phone in a different room.)

  2. Dim the lights in your house an hour or two before bed.

  3. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.

  4. Cut back on caffeine, especially in the afternoons. (I know, this one is tough. If you're not getting good sleep, you feel like you need more caffeine. But the caffeine then increases stress and impairs sleep. It'll be tough for a few days, and then will get better.)

  5. Reserve the bed for sleep and sex. (Stop watching TV in bed. In fact, get the TV out of the bedroom all together. This helps condition your body to know that when you're in bed, you should be sleeping. Or gettin' it on ;))

  6. Move your body regularly.

  7. Don't use alcohol as a sleep aid. It might help you fall asleep, but actually worsens your quality of sleep and leaves you feeling more tired in the morning.

  8. And if you're struggling to fall asleep at night, try a yoga nidra meditation (there are a ton of free ones online!).

    Bonus: If you wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to go back to sleep, get out of bed and go to another room to read or do another (non-screen) activity. This helps train your body to know that the bed is for sleep, and not lying awake anxious about not sleeping.

What helps you sleep well?